Karhi Recipe

Karahi Recipe                              by ZaidTariq


250 grm. yogurt
preferably one which is sour
Or 675 ml buttermilk or lassi
6 tbs. besan
1 small onion-chopped
1 tsp. salt (adjust to taste)
½ tsp. chili (Lal Mirch) powder
½ tsp. turmeric (Haldi) powder
6-8 curry leaves (Karhi Patta)
¼ tsp. mustard seeds (Rai)
¼ tsp. carom seeds (Ajwain)
1 tsp. cumin seeds (Zeera)
1 pinch asafetida (Heeng)

6 tbs. besan
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. chili (Lal Mirch) powder
2-3 green chilies-chopped
¼ tsp. cumin seeds (Zeera)
½ tsp. baking powder OR
1 pinch of soda bi carbonate
1 pinch asafetida (Heeng)
1 small onion-chopped


Whip the yogurt into a smooth paste. Add basin, salt, pepper, turmeric (Haldi) and chopped onion and mix well.
Add 3-4 glasses of water and leave to cook partially covered on low heat.
When the onion has softened and the curry has attained the desired consistency add Pakoray.

Mix together all the ingredients to make a thick paste and deep fry tablespoon fulls to make Pakoray.
BAGHAR: In about 1½ tbs. oil fry cumin seeds (Zeera)), curry leaves, rai and carom seeds (Ajwain) and add together with hot oil to Karhi.
Remove from heat and serve with chapati or plain boiled rice.

Serving: 4-5 persons

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